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Tag Archives: easycook

How to add collagen to the skin?

Even though collagen deteriorates from aging, it is irreparable. But we may reduce the loss or deterioration of collagen from the environment by adjusting certain behaviors. Such as getting enough sleep. Do stress relief activities. Always wear long sleeves or use sunscreen when going outdoors. Eat enough food from

Almonds Help Lower Cholesterol.

Many people believe that almonds are helpful in lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. As 24 almonds contain 13 grams of unsaturated fatty acids that help reduce bad cholesterol. So almonds may help lower cholesterol. which is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. This issue has

Quinoa and health benefits.

In addition to the nutritional benefits of quinoa. Eating quinoa may also be good for your health. Here are some medical studies on the various benefits: May Help blood sugar control Eating may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and help control blood sugar. One study found that Consuming

The benefits of probiotics and the oral cavity.

When it comes to probiotics many people think of the benefits for gut health most of the time. But nowadays, there is an increasing number of studies on the efficacy of probiotics for oral and dental health. Since the mechanisms of action of oral and intestinal probiotics may be